This Looks Like A Job For Homo Sapien

June 13, 1995.

I looks like the space people have another job for us. In the past they have had one job for us and that was to mate with the Grays to form a hybrid race that would contain the good traits of both races.

Some of the space people in the past have said certain things to criticize us in the following ways; 1. We are 5,000 years behind the people living on or in the planet Venus and at least one dimension behind them. 2. We are in the kindergarten of our existence. 3. Reptilians say we are naked and smell. 4. The people from Jupiter say we are continually fighting and killing one another for all sorts of reasons. 5. All of them say we kill the people they send to help ous out. 6. People from Mars say we are too materialistic, to sexual, too emotional, we think we are the only beings in the Universe (although that idea is changing).

That appears to be just a few of the things that are said about us but Zoosh is going to tell us how we are going to serve in a certain job that the space people plan for us to do. Here is the information......................................................................................


Zoosh through Robert Shapiro
March 31, 1995

The world that you're living on now - where you are residing, as it were - is, as I've said before, not the first place your souls have been. It's important for some of you to understand how this voyage through life is accomplished. Some of you are to serve others, because of your prior experience. Now, this fits in fairly neatly with some of the Explorer Race material. You might ask, as you have asked before, why are there women and men? Why not just one sex? Why not one or the other?

Long ago, there were souls that had an opportunity to evolve as one sex or the other. There was an entire planet of feminine beings. They looked somewhat androgynous, by your standards, but they were feminine. These people took the entire journey of the Explorer Race, but they did not go out into space to become the explorers, as is intended in the future for women and men of this planet. Because of their polarized femininity, they stayed on Earth and continued to nurture and be nurtured by her. "Feminine" is a word essentially meaning nurturer, wheras "masculine" is a word for activator.

An Ancient Feminine Experiment

The ordination of this planet came about as a result of the polarized feminine experiment that took place on one of those ancient civilizations long ago on Earth - but it didn't work. It was incomplete because the beings were mild-mannered and benevolent; they didn't have the sense of will that has been needed for the culture - using the word in its chemical appplication - of a species of beings that would be tough enough never to quit but keep going forward. At some point feminine beings have to stop to nurture and be nurtured. I'm not saying that feminine beings do not have the will, but will is not something really associated with the feminine; it is associated with the masculine.

So to put not too fine a point on it, once upon a times there was a world of feminine beings, entirely polarized as feminine beings. They peopled a planet that no longer exists in your solar system. They performed the funciton of being the seed race for a future race that I have come to call the Explorer Race, which is you. These original seed people were living on the planet called Maldek.

This planet was nurtured and beautiful; it wasn't a big planet. When they left, it was still there. But they did not achieve the goal of the Explorer Race because their civilization was nurtured and benevolent; and because they could nurture, they were not accessing the negative energy sufficiently to utilize will. As you know, will, in my definition, is that which forges ahead in spit of everything. But these people, being primarily magnetic, would not forge ahead without good reason; if something didn't feel right, they didn't do it. They wouuld do somethng that did feel right. So this suggests to you that the Explorer Race needs to be magnetic and electrical, or bipolar, in order to achieve its goal.

I'm bringing this up now because I have been getting chided lately be some of my compadres who tell me that I am not providing enough encouragement. And I have told them, "Well, it is not exactly my job to encourage, it is my job to awaken people." And it is also my job to remind you where you have been, of where you are and of where you are going. But it is not my job to sing you lullabies. Still, I took their comment to heart, and I decided you need to be reminded that once upon a time there was a group of you who did succeed - to the extent that you could succeed - as the Explorer Race. As I said, these polarized feminine beings did not go on to achieve the goals of the Explorer Race, but they went through a lot of the stuff you have gone through. Now, why do I bring this up?

Polarization to Achieve Explorer Race Goals

Not only is it necessary to have polarized or bipolar individuals - masculine and feminine - here to achieve the goal of the Explorer Race, but it's also necessary to have individual polarized as feminine beings who will know that it is their job to initiate. Since women have the children and since the creation of physical form through women is truly an initiation, then even the most casual observer might ojectively see that women play a role of initation. Let's just put it like this: I'm not trying to say that women are better than men (or any of that kind of stuff) because they didn't achieve the goals of the Explorer Race as polarized fiminine beings, but now women need to be alerted, supported and reminded that it is their job to support all beings - msaculine and feminine - toward the goal of achieving not only spiritual awareness bu the values associated with the Explorer Race. And what are those values? They need to know, the willingness to share that information that has been accumulate, the desire to share it, and the absolute ability or will to survive and to nurture survival in others.

Your Job Is to Disturb ET Cultures

Now, you may have a lot of other qualities, but if you do not have the qualities mentioned you will not make a good candidate for the Explorer Race. The Explorer Race, you understand, is a group of people who have gone through a lot of stuff - genetic, spirtitual, inspirational, mental. I've talked a lot about where you've been. I've also talked to you a lot about where you're going. I've even talked to you somewhat about what you'll be doing in the future. But I haven't really talked to you to much about how you will be doing it.

In the future, the hows of your job as the Explorer Race will be - and this is going to shock you a bit - to go out into space and essentially disturb other civilizations. It may be shocking for you to think about it, but it is true that many benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations sometimes need to be disturbed a little bit in order for them to grow. Some of these civilizations will not welcome you with open arms because they will know that the larger purpose for you contact with them is to disrupt their society so that their society will no longer be so benevolent that it has ceased to grow entirely. So you might say that you are designed to stir up the pot.

You are not really designed to go out there and teach others how to survive, though that would be your desire. You are designed to go to other civilizaitons, present alternatives and be perceived of by some as invaders, through you will not be invading, and by others as saviors, though you will not be saving.

Picture this: An astronaut from Earth will go to another planet, maybe with several others, bringing with them the cultural diversity of your planet, find themselves on a planet where there is no cultural diversity; where everybody is basically the same, though they don't all look alike; where they have a totally shared culture; and where, as a result of a shared culture, there is no question about what is true and what is to be done at all times. Then you show up, who are not even absolutely certain of your culture because of your diverse backgrounds: mom was this, dad was that, you were raised in somethng else, you were surrounded with people of all different cultural backgrounds, you were exposed these ideas, those ideas - in other words your're an internal mass of contradicting information! So you might say something or the other to an ET and then turn around the very next day or the next moment and contradict what you just said.

Do you know that most ETs cannot handle that, because they are raised with a consistent cultural program. If they say something, they believe it is so. They do not know that there is another way of looking at it, or if they hear about it, they reject it out of hand. However, because you will be so dynamic - and your're pretty dynamic now compared to many ETs- what you say and what you do cannot be ignored.

So in a sense it will be your job to go out and be a microorganisxm that invades species, creating much tumult, which eventually causes that race or that species to become stronger and evolve.

JW I think I would enjoy doing that. Where do I sign up?

Part 1.

Source Of Information: SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE! P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, AZ 86339, (602) 282-6523.

Remember: Laziness and poverty are cousins.

John Winston.

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